All employees are entitled to specific statutory benefits on a permanent basis from the day they enter the firm. These are:
Social security: Medical care is provided for the employee, extendable to the spouse and children under 12 years of age, through the various care centers of the Salvadoran Social Security Institute (ISSS). Additional benefits around medical leaves are provided by the firm—please refer to the “Firm benefits” section below.
Pension fund: The employee and employer contribute to the Salvadoran pension fund program (AFP) with which the employee is affiliated, in an amount based on a salary percentage established by the Superintendency of Pensions. The AFP provides a pension for retirement, disability benefits due to common types of accidents and an inheritance for an employee’s descendants.
Annual vacation: Fifteen calendar days (11 working days) are granted annually as paid time off once the employee has fulfilled a year of continuous service in the firm. The employee receives payment on their work anniversary equivalent to 15 days of their salary plus 30% of that amount. Additional benefits around vacation are provided by the firm—please refer to the “Firm benefits” section below.
Annual bonus (aguinaldo): The firm pays this bonus to the employee for each year worked at the firm, or proportionally if, by Dec. 12, the employee has not completed one year of employment. The bonus is paid between Dec. 12 and Dec. 20 each year and corresponds to 10 or more days of salary, with the number of days based on seniority, according to the law. Additional benefits around the annual bonus (aguinaldo) are provided by the firm—please refer to the “Firm benefits” section below.