
A proprietary, cloud-based technology platform designed to centralize and manage data for family offices

For family offices, transparency and real-time access to information are crucial not only for day-to-day operational efficiency, but also for enabling strategic decision making. However, many family offices spend significant amounts of time on manual entry of data from various advisors and stakeholders, as well as on consolidating the information from multiple sources and systems.

That’s why RSM developed FamilySight, a proprietary and secure technology platform that delivers timely information in formats you can use and share. With technology scaled to match the complexity of your family office, FamilySight crystallizes a family office’s entire ecosystem and helps manage a comprehensive list of operational components, including:

  • Portfolio management
  • Tax compliance
  • Wealth aggregation and reporting
  • Cybersecurity integration
  • Project coordination
  • Confidential data exchange

With FamilySight, data accessibility and integration allow the client, RSM and related advisors to work collaboratively utilizing the free flow of data across all platforms. FamilySight enhances data transparency for all third-party intermediaries, financial aggregation and reporting dashboards. It delivers unprecedented global information, with permissions that can be customized for each family member.

Experience FamilySight—access, control and transparency—to unlock the value of your family office.

Timely insights and perspectives

A guide to IT modernization
2024 RSM Family Office Operational Excellence Report
RSM's survey reveals family offices shifting toward resilient operating models through the use of outsourcing, technology and cyber-risk management.
Case study
FamilySight® brings clarity to complexity for a virtual family office
FamilySight®, RSM’s innovative technology platform, helps manage the complexities of a growing family office.

FamilySight works with multiple RSM services and solutions that can help you across the full range of your family office needs.

Family office services
RSM Catamaran
gear, coding, hands, cybersecurity
AI, analytics and cloud services
Tax technology consulting services
Meet our FamilySight leaders
  • Michael Johnson
    Family Office Technology Leader

Contact us

Complete this form to speak with a FamilySight professional.

2024 Family Office Operational Excellence Report

Insights from 100 family offices on technology integration, cyber risk, strategic outsourcing and other drivers behind the journey toward operational excellence.

"We have decided to reduce unnecessary costs and optimize resource allocation to enhance overall operational efficiency."

- North American Family Office
