Washington National Tax

Experienced tax professionals translate tax changes affecting your business and personal situation

Navigate tax complexities with insights sourced in Washington, D.C.

RSM’s Washington National Tax team is an experience-based group of distinguished tax professionals who track tax developments directly from the sources and immediately translate the information into how these changes could affect your business. With a physical presence in Washington, D.C., our team stays up to date on the latest developments in tax policy and tax developments.

Team members share their analysis of potential implications of new tax laws, Treasury regulations and IRS pronouncements through a regular cadence of articles, webcasts and newsletters.

One of the benefits of being an RSM client is having the access to tax professionals who help you navigate complex tax policies. Team members are specialists in their fields, including former IRS attorneys and the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Dave Kautter. Kautter was responsible for the issuance of regulations and administrative guidance under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act as a member of the Trump administration from 2017-2021 and has since returned to RSM to lead our specialty federal tax practice.

With an ever-evolving legislative and financial reporting environment, it can be difficult to stay informed of everything that could affect your income tax provision.

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