Employee benefit plan audit services

Work with a firm that understands the complexities of employee benefit plan auditing and has the skill to add value to the process

Get skilled, experienced auditing from one of the nation’s largest providers of employee benefit plan audits

As a plan sponsor, you have a fiduciary responsibility to your plan’s participants. As a result, it’s important to engage third-party professionals who bring an objective and unbiased focus to your company’s needs. These professionals include third-party administrators, investment advisors, payroll companies, actuaries and plan auditors. A range of skills is required because the components of the financial statements being audited differ from one another. Those differences demand that only professionals with deep knowledge of—and experience in—their complexities conduct audits of employee benefit plans.

RSM is one of the largest providers of employee benefit plan audits. We audit single, multiple and multi-employer plans; and audit varying funding arrangements, including defined benefit and defined contribution plans such as 401(k), 403(b), money purchase, profit sharing and employee stock ownership plans, along with health and welfare plans. We also audit church benefit plans and other religious organizations. RSM audits more than 1,800 employee benefit plans nationally through a practice that includes over 1,000 professionals with training on matters affecting employee benefit plans.

Recent insights from our employee benefit professionals

SAS 136: Changes to the auditor’s report
For employee benefit plans subject to ERISA, Statement on Auditing Standards No. 136 changes the look of the auditor’s report.
IRS 90-day pre-examination compliance pilot for retirement plans
The IRS is piloting a pre-examination compliance program for retirement plans, which provides plan sponsors with 90-day window to review plan operations and make corrections prior to examination.

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