Risk modeling software

Aggregate, evaluate and respond to risks in real time with DIVA, RSM’s revolutionary financial modeling tool

DIVA puts horsepower behind your financial modeling and risk management efforts

Today’s business environment keeps changing, evolving, moving faster. Market conditions demand middle market companies consider more risks, model a wider range of scenarios, study possible exposures and quantify connections between risks. These tasks are especially difficult for companies with multiple businesses, each with individual risk management systems, and global footprints.  Risk modeling is time consuming for executives and staff, but it’s too important not to get right.

That’s why RSM developed DIVA, our proprietary risk modeling software tool. DIVA lets you combine models across your businesses into a single, unified model that you can tailor to your degree of complexity. The tool easily adapts to new strategies and products as well as changing business and economic environments. It performs scenario analyses, sensitivity and reverse stress tests, and runs both economic and regulatory capital estimates within a single model, saving time and effort. 

RSM built DIVA to allow easy customization of risk models, so you can adapt efficiently to complex regulatory requirements. It can assist your enterprise risk management (ERM) function in setting limits and thresholds for key risk indicators and risk appetite metrics, run batches of scenarios with one click and help simplify report production while increasing process efficiency.  

RSM can even pair DIVA with our proprietary E-Score to provide climate risk modeling as part of your organizations ESG strategy.  The modeling enables you to quantify and report out on climate risk, identify companies within an investment portfolio contributing to climate risk, conduct ‘what if’ analyses of alternative portfolio structures, and identify activist measures to reduce climate risks.  Your individual needs can be determined through an ESG Rapid Assessment®.

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