Intelligent automation services

Optimize your organization’s processes to enhance efficiency, insight and growth

An intelligent automation strategy can offset many key operational challenges

Process inefficiencies can come in many forms. We find many organizations have legacy applications that are critical to operations but are outdated, offering limited integrations and visibility to support strategic decision making. In addition, the difficult labor market has made hiring and retaining skilled talent difficult, and many companies are struggling to keep up with many manual processes, including those that often manage critical data.

By taking a strategic approach to automation and leveraging solutions including robotic process automation (RPA), digital process automation (DPA) and/or intelligent document processing (IDP), your business can quickly develop and implement solutions to reduce errors and unlock opportunities for growth and revenue.   

Intelligent automation solutions that build better business processes

Robotic process automation

RPA delivers task-based automation focused on accomplishing targeted components of business processes without the need for significant human intervention. It is capable of handling high-volume, repetitive manual tasks on behalf of human process owners. RPA fills the gaps where systems do not have integration capabilities.

Digital process automation

DPA provides workflow and case management-driven process automation to orchestrate collaborative work. Its highly auditable data flows improve compliance with relevant regulatory requirements. DPA brings flexible automation that scales and grows to adapt to the evolving needs of your business.

Intelligent document processing

IDP enables the extraction of semistructured data from digital documents such as images and PDFs. It transforms data from paragraphs, sentences and words into discrete data elements to derive decisions and actions. IDP enhances the scope of RPA and DPA solutions to provide end-to-end processing of semistructured data.

A proven automation approach

RSM takes a technology-agnostic approach as it relates to RPA, DPA and IDP solutions to purpose fit your current challenges. We get to the root of your efficiency challenges by evaluating your processes first, your people second and then your technology third. With this insight, we strategically select and apply solutions that align with the specific problems you currently face while also scaling to meet future demands.

True transformation and automation includes multiple phases and extends beyond just installing software and tools. By striving to architect integrated processes enabled by technology, your organization can create truly automated processes.

With an intelligent automation strategy in place, you can make the most of your staff, elevating them to more strategic roles by eliminating the burden of manual, repetitive tasks. You can also ensure your data is in the right place at the right time to make strategic decisions and implement advanced data processes that keep up with regulatory change.

In most cases, implementing intelligent automation does not require you to make significant changes to the key systems you have in place. Instead, we enable you to optimize the investments in foundational technology that you have already made and extend their capabilities to be more valuable to the business for the long term. We transform your processes to bring all your existing tools and applications together, enabling you to make smarter operational decisions. We tailor the following solutions to implement real change to your data environment, often in a matter of weeks.

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