The most effective planning can take at least three years in advance of exiting a company.
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The most effective planning can take at least three years in advance of exiting a company.
Be sure you’re paying close attention to risks like cybersecurity, underutilized or inefficient ERP and CRM systems.
In a transition or exit, one of the largest expenses is often tax. Much planning can be done to minimize this expenditure.
In a transition or exit, one of the largest expenses is often tax. Much planning can be done to minimize this expenditure, but it will often take time to implement. The best scenario is to start planning for an exit 36 months before the event to capture tax planning ideas that can help increase your after-tax cash flow.
Owning a business takes a certain confidence and grit. All owners are different, but all face similar challenges. Our business ownership lifecycle ebook shares insights gleaned from helping business owners face these challenges head on.