Technology industry outlook

The tech sector eyes a strong comeback with an IPO revival

Optimism is on the rise for a phase of significant growth and innovation

July 31, 2024

Key takeaways

Easing interest rates are expected to boost investments across the tech spectrum.

An increase in IPO activity appears to be on the horizon, but timing is uncertain. 

With this expected IPO resurgence, companies must seek advice from firms with broad experience. 

Technology industry Artificial intelligence Economics Going public

Despite economic and global uncertainties, the technology sector is primed for a strong resurgence. Hindered by high interest rates and geopolitical tensions in 2022 and 2023, the outlook has brightened, with interest rates predicted to ease by late 2024, per RSM US Chief Economist Joe Brusuelas—a development expected to alleviate the liquidity constraints that have hampered the industry. This expected relief is set to boost investment across the tech spectrum, but especially in booming fields like artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity, which have already seen an uptick in investment activity.

Moreover, signs of a potential rejuvenation of the initial public offering (IPO) market, previously in decline, add to the sector's optimism, fueled by the prospect of improved asset valuations with lower interest rates. Together, these factors contribute to a more optimistic forecast, likely starting in 2025, for sustained growth and innovation within the tech industry, marking what should be the beginning of a period ripe with opportunity and advancement.

The IPO rebound

As the economy shows signs of resilience and monetary policy shifts appear on the horizon, an increase in IPO activity seems on the verge of materializing, though its exact timing remains uncertain. Decreasing borrowing costs, stabilizing equity markets and a number of successful IPOs create a favorable environment for companies to pursue public offerings. According to Bloomberg, Nasdaq CEO Adena Friedman revealed in January that nearly 100 companies have begun the IPO process with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, indicating a likely surge in IPOs.

While Q1 2024 nearly eclipsed 50% of the entire IPO market in 2023, increasing confidence among investors, there is still a long road to recovery from the high IPO market in 2021, and certain factors could delay the anticipated 2024 IPO boom in the tech industry. For instance, the inflation rate of 2.97% (as of June 2024) is far from the target of 2%, which the Fed emphasizes as key to achieving price stability and essential for ensuring economic prosperity.

Additionally, and to a lesser extent than economic and inflation trends, the 2024 presidential election could introduce unpredictability into public market activity in the short term, potentially affecting IPO timing and investor sentiment. Traditionally, IPO activity tends to dip in the month of the election, though values have resurged following the last three elections.

Timing, especially in relation to interest rates, is crucial. The underwhelming IPO debuts of significant tech firms in 2023 have prompted investor wariness. Generally, companies opt for public listings to either raise capital or provide liquidity. Although profitability isn't always a prerequisite for tech companies to go public, a plan to hit profitability is required before taking the plunge. The anticipated decrease in interest rates is set to bolster privately backed companies by spurring growth and diminishing borrowing costs, thus smoothing their path to profitability.

TAX TREND: Initial public offerings

A technology company preparing for an IPO may take the following steps to minimize tax risks and meet tax and accounting requirements as a public company:

  • Ensure proper tax structuring and internal controls.
  • Address any potential tax exposures or obligations that may affect the company’s financial position.
  • Define the new legal entity tax structure.
  • Evaluate how the ownership change might affect existing tax attributes and liabilities.
  • Ensure knowledgeable tax professionals are in place after the IPO to assist with additional compliance complexities.
  • Add appropriate tax resources to support financial reporting (i.e., tax provision/ASC 740).
  • Plan for future expansion to minimize tax exposure and corresponding tax filings.

Learn more about the tax considerations all technology companies should consider before a transaction.

Tech megatrend growth areas

Despite a slow IPO market in recent years causing a negative trickle-down effect for private capital and, in turn, entrepreneurs, there is optimism that the environment is on the brink of improvement. Although the era of low interest rates has passed, current shifts in monetary policy are predicted to direct more capital from angel investors, venture capitalists and private equity firms into early-stage technology companies, aiding in their developmental paths to a potential IPO or exit in the future.

Over the last two years, technology companies have weathered less-than-ideal economic conditions by adopting measures such as extending their operational runway, obtaining bridge financing and bootstrapping. As the hurdles recede, firms in rapidly changing sectors like AI and cybersecurity are poised to gain from the influx of additional funds to accelerate their expansion.

For example, with ransomware attacks increasing 27% year over year, according to the 2024 Thales Data Threat Report, elite hackers are exploiting cutting-edge technologies such as AI large language models to enhance their abilities. In this environment, where AI simultaneously empowers professionals and facilitates malicious activities, tech companies in the cybersecurity space are under pressure to rapidly innovate and deploy effective countermeasures against threats. This scenario underscores the importance of investments in technology enterprises, positioning them for accelerated development.

CONSULTING INSIGHT: Capital markets services

Going public or raising capital in the public marketplace is a complex process and requires significant time and patience to plan and execute. In many cases, the key to success is choosing an experienced advisor to provide timely advice and support throughout the process. Learn more about RSM’s capital markets services and how our experienced team delivers solutions tailored to your situation, transaction type and industry that inspire you to move forward with confidence.

The takeaway

As the IPO market experiences a potential resurgence and investment flows into vital high-growth sectors, it is increasingly important for companies to seek advice from firms that offer a comprehensive suite of services, ranging from IPO advisory to cybersecurity and AI guidance. This strategic relationship equips businesses with the insight and resources necessary to thrive in a market that is not only fiercely competitive but also continuously transformed by technological innovation.

RSM contributors

  • Justin Krieger
    Justin Krieger
    Technology, Media and Telecommunications Leader - Eastern Canada

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