Live webcasts

International Tax Forum

Part of the Tax in Motion 2024 series

Sep 17, 2024
Event details
Date and time

Tue, Sep 17, 2024

Begins at 11 a.m. EDT | 10 a.m. CDT

Intended audience

CFOs, Tax Executives


Each event 60 minutes

CPE credits

One CPE credit per event will be issued to eligible participants



Event overview

Reserve your spot today for three impactful sessions on the current landscape of international tax.

Register and join us on Tuesday, Sept.17. 

11 a.m. ET Election year dynamics: Navigating global tax policy and expiring tax provisions

Explore how the US presidential election will reshape global tax policy. With expiring TCJA provisions leading to higher taxes, the election’s impact includes aligning the U.S. tax regime with Pillar Two and considering tariffs. Join us to understand these changes and their implications for global tax strategy.


Mario van den Broek, Partner, RSM Netherlands

David Barton, Partner, RSM United Kingdom

Learning objectives:

  1. Analyze how the expiring TCJA provisions, such as the reduced GILTI exclusions and increased BEAT rates, contribute to higher business tax liabilities.
  2. Evaluate the effects of the decreased FDII deduction rate on U.S. multinational corporations and their global tax competitiveness.
  3. Explore the impact of reconciling the U.S. tax regime with Pillar Two and the role of tariffs in counterbalancing the permanence of TCJA provisions.

1 p.m. ET Operationalizing Pillar Two: Overcoming data and technology hurdles

Pillar Two’s data and reporting challenges often surpass cash tax risks. Transitional safe harbors help initially, but full reporting is still required in some areas. This session covers practical data challenges, technology’s role, and additional solutions.


Julio Fernandez, Managing Director, RSM US LLP

Learning objectives:

  1. Assess the primary data and reporting challenges posed by Pillar Two and the significance of these over cash tax risks.
  2. Explore the benefits of transitional safe harbors and the ongoing need for full reporting in some territories.
  3. Evaluate the role of technology in meeting Pillar Two’s data requirements and identify additional strategies for robust data management when technology alone is insufficient.

3 p.m. ET Transfer pricing: Level up! Policy implementation and data utilization with technology

Companies that confidently manage the complexities of transfer pricing do more than apply policy correctly--they prove compliance with data. Join RSM’s transfer pricing specialists for a 60-minute webcast focused on how technology can help manage and govern the execution of transfer pricing policies.


Jamie Benhabib, Senior Manager, RSM US LLP


Learning objectives:

  1. Determine the intricacies of transfer pricing in tax law and the international coordination required for its implementation and dispute resolution.
  2. Examine the growing trend in transfer pricing, focusing on the importance of data to prove the application of transfer pricing policies.
  3. Articulate the critical role of data in substantiating transfer pricing policies.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this webcast, attendees will be able to:

  • Determine the intricacies of transfer pricing in tax law and the international coordination required for its implementation and dispute resolution.
  • Assess the primary data and reporting challenges posed by Pillar Two and the significance of these over cash tax risks.
  • Analyze how expiring TCJA provisions, such as the reduced GILTI exclusions and increased BEAT rates, contribute to higher business tax liabilities.

CPE credits

CPE credit available
RSM US LLP is pleased to offer 1.0 CPE credits for attending each webcast. To qualify, you must log in to the webcast and provide your first name, last name and email address. You must remain logged in for a minimum of 50 minutes and answer 75 percent of the polling questions to receive credit. Group CPE is not available. For more information regarding administrative policies, such as refunds, cancellations and complaints, please contact us.

RSM US LLP is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual course for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

Advance preparation: None
Program level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Delivery method: Group internet-based
Field of study: Taxes
CPE: 1.0 credits per webcast

Event details
Date and time

Tue, Sep 17, 2024

Begins at 11 a.m. EDT | 10 a.m. CDT

Intended audience

CFOs, Tax Executives


Each event 60 minutes

CPE credits

One CPE credit per event will be issued to eligible participants


