Full Circle Budget

Solve budget cycle frustrations. Budget in Excel, build custom budget templates and share data with your financial software.

Supercharge your Excel-based budgeting and financials integration with ease.

Full Circle BudgetTM is an Excel add-on that processes budgets directly from Excel into Microsoft Dynamics GP and SL.

This powerful tool makes Excel budgeting easier and can eliminate budget frustrations.

  • Enter budget amounts in Excel
  • Build budget templates in Excel or use any financial reporting software that exports to Excel
  • Create Full Circle Budget report definitions specifying the locations of required budget fields
  • Use Full Circle Budget to apply data entry formats, calculation formulas and page layout specifications, and to protect cells

If you budget in Excel, you need Full Circle Budget. You will appreciate that Full Circle Budget is:


Budget worksheets in Excel can be in any format you choose. Arrange periods, accounts and budget identification in almost any format imaginable. Structure data in rows, columns or a combination of both.


Disable and/or password-protect Full Circle Budget definitions controlling budget updates. Log all budget entries and retrieve previous versions of budget templates via workbook tracking.


Enter and update budget amounts directly in Full Circle Budget. Add and track new account numbers automatically (Microsoft Dynamics GP only).


Full Circle Budget works with any financial reporting software that exports to Excel. Some popular choices include FRx, Management Reporter, BI360 and Jet Reports.

Thank you for Full Circle Budget. I completed our budget in record time! In years past, the process was agonizing. I would spend over a week exporting and reformatting data from GP into Excel to create the 80-plus worksheet budget file. With Full Circle Budget, I created my budget workbook in a fraction of the time.
Theresa Wilke, Controller, Hartwig Inc.
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