Information technology assessment

A thorough review of your technology and IT department to optimize performance

Ensure you are getting the most value from your IT investments

Are your technology solutions and processes meeting your expectations and delivering the productivity, insight and efficiency you expect? As innovations rapidly emerge and the business environment becomes more competitive, you need to periodically confirm that your technology team and platforms are performing to their potential and are effectively aligned to organizational goals.  

A new perspective on your technology strategy

RSM US LLP’s IT assessment provides an overall evaluation of your technologies and supporting IT department. It provides comprehensive recommendations for improvement, suggested solutions based on industry best practices, benchmarking of spending and staffing, and a road map for successful transformation. The IT assessment reviews eight critical areas of your IT operations to help ensure you can have the confidence you need in your technology approach to inspire continued growth. 

With over 200 underlying evaluation areas, the IT assessment provides a comprehensive structure for evaluating your technology and your people, processes and tools. Our assessments can be customized to focus on the areas in greatest need. For example, you may require an in-depth analysis of specific functional areas such as business applications, data analytics or any other segment, depending on your needs.

A clear vision of your IT current state and ongoing needs

RSM’s IT assessment provides unprecedented visibility into your IT department, its improvement opportunities and a transformation strategy to better align with operational goals. Following the assessment, you will have clear visibility and a deeper understanding of your IT operational challenges and opportunities, priorities grouped into actionable workstreams with resource needs, identification of dependencies and potential risks, and clear details and accountability for your next steps.

IT assessment evaluation maturity model

RSM’s IT maturity model provides a path in which to evaluate the maturity of an organization’s IT department.

With over 1,000 inventoried technical skills, encompassing leading middle market hardware, software, language, cloud and process certifications, products, and best practices, our IT assessments can solve your most difficult technology problems.

Meet our IT assessment leaders

Ready to schedule an IT assessment?

Contact our consulting team today and an RSM representative will be in touch shortly.

2023 RSM US MMBI Digital Transformation Special Report

The survey reveals that for company leaders, digital transformation is more than just upgrades or new platforms. Digital transformation can alter an organization’s trajectory and affect whether the company succeeds or fails.
