Automation, deep insight enhance impact of Jewish Vocational Service in Boston

Apr 30, 2024

Key takeaways

Nonprofit Organization

Jewish Vocational Service in Boston sought a NetSuite provider with deep nonprofit experience

RSM configured NetSuite to meet their unique needs, enhancing functionality and automation

With a stronger financial foundation, JVS Boston can focus more resources on helping people

NetSuite Business applications ERP services Nonprofit

Like many industries, nonprofit organizations have many specific requirements for their technology systems. Solutions must be configured properly to operate effectively and deliver the expected level of information and insight to drive organizational decision making.

Jewish Vocational Service in Boston is one of the oldest and largest providers of adult workforce and education services in the Boston area, helping a diverse clientele secure financial independence through educational and employment programs. To streamline internal processes and enhance the quality of services they provide to constituents, JVS Boston chose to implement an Oracle NetSuite enterprise resource planning system.

Initially, JVS Boston worked directly with NetSuite for implementation support. However, during the implementation process, JVS Boston had some personnel turnover and paused the NetSuite project. When they chose to resume the initiative, they wanted implementation support from a provider with deep nonprofit industry experience.

Resuming progress and gaining insight

When Tricia Wong, JVS Boston’s controller, came on board, the organization resumed the NetSuite project with the help of RSM US LLP. The RSM team initiated a Rapid Assessment®, evaluating the progress made by the NetSuite team, uncovering gaps in configuration required before go-live, reviewing core process areas and requirements, and sharing leading practices that the team has seen at other social services organizations as well as their typical setup.

“We were able to instill confidence because we knew what others were doing and could recommend some best practices and make sure that all of their specific requirements were taken care of,” says Laura Miller, a manager at RSM.

In addition to the Rapid Assessment, RSM provided JVS Boston with a list of recommendations and a timeline of the processes necessary to bring the system live. After JVS Boston agreed on the scope of work, RSM restarted the implementation process.

I feel JVS has been very lucky to have the RSM team. They quickly understood what we are trying to do and produced different ways for us to get our work done. I’m extremely satisfied with the entire team, and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking to implement NetSuite.
Tricia Wong, controller, Jewish Vocational Service in Boston

Configuring an effective solution

Like many social services organizations, JVS Boston receives grants to cover many expenses and has some unique requirements for managing restricted revenue. While grant and revenue management is native functionality within NetSuite, RSM used a proprietary, nonprofit-industry-specific template to fine-tune the system to address the organization’s needs and deliver the value they anticipated.

“Our team basically has a pre-built solution that we use to enhance the financial capabilities NetSuite already offers and automate reporting like it’s a month-end close process,” says Miller. “They were very excited to gain some efficiency there.”

With the template, RSM configured the system to accommodate JVS Boston’s unique requirements and enhance functionality and automation. The organization now has the tools necessary to facilitate their financial processes more efficiently and accurately, with visibility into real-time data.

Following the NetSuite implementation, RSM performed optimization training with JVS Boston’s users so they were comfortable with the system and understood its capabilities. The RSM team also continued to support day-to-day processes within NetSuite until the organization’s year-end close.

“The training we received from RSM has been great,” says Wong. “They have been very patient and always answer the questions we have. They don’t just assume we know the system, and they do deep dives into it and explain it from A to Z.”

The road ahead

Moving forward, JVS Boston plans to extend the functionality of the NetSuite system, including implementing a module for advanced planning and budgeting capabilities. In addition, the organization is considering integrating NetSuite with their existing Salesforce customer relationship management system.

“We would definitely like to implement the budget module,” says Wong. “I feel as I learn more about JVS, we can hopefully integrate NetSuite into more of what we are doing.”

When JVS Boston needed an experienced team to get their NetSuite implementation across the finish line, RSM stepped in and added a nonprofit industry perspective that delivered key customizations and tailored the system to JVS Boston’s specific mission and goals. With a stronger financial foundation in place and more real-time insight into grants, revenue and expenses, JVS Boston can focus more resources on helping individuals sharpen valuable skills, continue their education and find rewarding employment.  

“I feel JVS has been very lucky to have the RSM team,” says Wong. “They quickly understood what we are trying to do and produced different ways for us to get our work done. I’m extremely satisfied with the entire team, and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking to implement NetSuite.” 

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