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RSM’s M&A Insights

Quarterly middle market updates and perspectives

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Subscribe to RSM’s M&A Insights for market analysis and outlooks that give private equity and merger and acquisition professionals a competitive edge. This quarterly newsletter features perspectives from industry advisors with extensive experience and knowledge of the middle market.

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  • Middle market M&A and PE activity
  • Trends in portfolio management
  • Value creation strategies and approaches
  • Opportunities and challenges facing chief financial officers
  • Real-life client success stories

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Current edition

Private equity deal activity: What to expect in 2025 | January 2025

This quarter’s newsletter discusses the merger and acquisition (M&A) forecast and what private equity deal professionals will focus on in the months ahead.

As we write this quarter’s newsletter in mid-December 2024, we are excited about what the new year may bring! RSM’s transaction professionals are tracking a slow and steady increase in M&A activity and sensing renewed optimism from our private equity and investment banking clients

Several factors influenced this shift: the clarity following the presidential election, anticipated reductions in Federal Reserve interest rates, macroeconomic tailwinds and expectations of a more business-friendly regulatory environment. . . . Subscribe to read the full article.

Past editions

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