Drive employee recruitment and retention with human-centered design

July 17, 2024
Customer experience Digital transformation Customer experience

In today’s competitive market, there’s so much more involved in attracting skilled people and keeping them on your payroll than just offering a competitive salary. However, discerning how to go about developing and maintaining an environment that allows workers to perform at their best and feel valued is not always intuitive. 

Ignoring the employee experience can be costly

According to a Gallup survey, the cost of replacing an individual employee can range from one-half to two times the employee’s annual salary. Given the current rate of voluntary employee turnover, Gallup estimates that U.S. employers spend about $1 trillion per year just to replace talent.

While some churn is natural, 52% of voluntarily exiting employees say their organization could have done something to prevent them from leaving.

Finding employee engagement solutions that work

Many organizations tackle the problem by implementing top-down policies, tools, resources and corporate value statements. While these might move the employee experience needle, such tactics do not address whether the policies, tools, resources and value statements resonate with employees’ true needs, expectations and the ability to be effective in their jobs.

Get to the heart of employee experience

Human-centered design consulting takes an approach that marries bottom-up employee needs, behaviors, and motivations with top-down business and productivity goals. By taking a human-centered design approach, businesses can implement employee experience solutions that improve employee retention by reducing frustration, increasing job satisfaction and fostering a deeper sense of purpose.

See how you can transform your customer and employee experience with human-centered design

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