Fintech as a movement

How fintechs are transforming traditional financial services

Fintechs have changed the game

The fintech movement is beyond technology. It’s also about finding and keeping the right customers—now and in the future

Once a sliver of the industry, fintechs have created a movement that is redefining financial services on a fundamental level. Leveraging the power of technology, fintechs have challenged traditional products, services, and business models. Asset managers, broker-dealers, banks, lenders, insurance carriers, and all those in-between must consider how they will evolve with technology to avoid the risk of becoming obsolete.

But with changing customer demands, increased regulation, data privacy considerations, and legacy business structures, how can financial services companies overcome barriers and forge a path forward? It starts with understanding your customer and embracing technology.

From understanding fintech as a movement and key trends, to breaking down digital disruption and building a path forward, we have insights to keep you informed.
Understanding fintech as a movement
Fintech has evolved from a small number of innovators exploiting digital channels to a whole movement reshaping financial services.
7 key actions for financial services organizations partnering with fintech companies
Planning is key for institutions embarking on strategic fintech partnerships
Top 5 fintech trends to watch⁠—now, and in the future
Top 5 fintech trends to watch⁠—now, and in the future

Is your company prepared to respond to fintech disruption?

Download our e-book to understand fintech as a movement and how to build a road map for the path forward.

Resources to help your company build a path forward

RSM helps traditional financial services companies build and execute digital transformation strategies to grow their businesses and improve customer experience, with an eye toward cost efficiency and profitability.
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Business operations and strategy services
gear, coding, hands, cybersecurity
AI, analytics and cloud services
head surrounded by connection points
Digital customer experience
RSM Catamaran

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