Recorded webcast

Quarterly public sector webcast series

March 14, 2024
Event details
Date and time

Recorded, watch anytime

Intended audience

Leaders in federal, state, local or tribal governments, government healthcare entities, school boards and other state or local governments agencies; specifically individuals in accounting, finance, risk management and internal audit.


120 minutes



Event overview

Thank you for joining RSM US LLP’s webcast on third-party contract compliance in public sector entities and public sector continuity of operations planning.

During this 120-minute webcast, we offered effective strategies for identifying risk with third-party contracts and provided best practices for enhancing resiliency programs. If you missed our live presentation, watch the recording of our webcast to learn more.

Recording and slides

Topic 1:

Third-party contract compliance in public sector entities

Public sector entities contract third parties for a variety of goods and services. This is often more efficient and costs less than trying to do it all in-house. But if those third parties aren’t compliant with the terms and conditions of your agreement, the risk can be significant. 

Contract oversight is a critical, but often complex, part of managing risk, particularly in public sector entities with multiple stakeholders, an ever-changing environment and sometimes competing priorities. This session will discuss third-party contract risks to help you think about your third-party relationships with fresh eyes. We will discuss compliance strategies and the benefits of proper oversight. We’ll also present real-life case studies and the positive outcomes of contract oversight.

Topic 2:

Public sector continuity of operations planning

Continuity of operations planning (COOP) has evolved over the last two decades in the public sector. The focus is now on operational resilience in both the public and private sectors across crisis management, continuity of operations, disaster recovery and incident response within the incident command structure. We will talk about operationalizing your continuity plans, which will enhance your COOP program. 


Chris Gums | Manager | RSM US LLP

Elizabeth (Liz) Watts | Manager | RSM US LLP

Chuck John | Director | RSM US LLP

Alyssa Connick | Manager | RSM US LLP

Event details
Date and time

Recorded, watch anytime

Intended audience

Leaders in federal, state, local or tribal governments, government healthcare entities, school boards and other state or local governments agencies; specifically individuals in accounting, finance, risk management and internal audit.


120 minutes



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