High Contrast
As RSM’s talent-development philosophy, the phrase “owning your future” encompasses all that makes up your career journey. The goals you set for yourself, the ongoing feedback and coaching you seek, the education you pursue and the experiences you take advantage of all contribute to your career growth.
With this philosophy comes the critical importance of reflection. Your career journey will consist of many twists and turns, with new and exciting opportunities often presenting themselves. That’s why we believe in the importance of regularly checking in on personal needs and interests, assessing goal achievement and performance, hearing perspective from others, and being in the know about all opportunities available to you.
We have four ways we develop our people—through education, exposure, experiences and environment.
We have three development focus areas: Leadership, Advisory and Specialized skills.
We have four mastery levels: Foundational, Intermediate, Experienced and Advanced.
RSM focuses professional development of all employees around being a first-choice advisor. This means no matter where you are in your journey with RSM—regardless of your tenure, knowledge or role—there are relevant learning and development opportunities available to you year-round. We focus on the key skill areas you’ll develop as a first-choice advisor, as well as how you will develop and who can help you along the way.
Similar to what it takes to become good at a hobby or sport, it takes more than just understanding conceptually how to do something—it requires practice, coaching and an environment that empowers you to keep getting better. You won’t become a great mountain biker with only an online tutorial; you’ll need to practice and surround yourself with people who can provide guidance on tough terrain and feedback on your performance. The network you’ll build at RSM will help you overcome challenges and setbacks, gain new perspectives, and move laterally or vertically in your career.
Not only does RSM care about your career journey, but we empower you to own your future. Your individual needs will look different from others’ based on your experiences and interests, and it’s important to understand that each perspective can offer unique value.
While it’s up to you to own it, RSM wants to help you get to where you want to go.
Our development strategy is built on three focus areas: Leadership, Advisory and Specialized skills. These are key to growing as first-choice advisors. Each of these areas is grounded in our values, ethics and quality of service. People at all levels in the firm have access to development in each of these areas.
Leadership – Leadership is something everyone at RSM demonstrates with both clients and colleagues—and we provide you with opportunities to develop your inclusive leadership skills. RSM focuses on creating goals, giving real-time courageous feedback, coaching others and seeking out diverse ideas and perspectives.
Advisory – We differentiate ourselves with our advisory skills by developing deep relationships, asking questions and offering insights, and demonstrating strong business acumen.
Specialized skills – Your specialized knowledge—including role-specific skills, industry insights and a global focus—is critical, but only one component of what sets RSM apart.
At RSM, we provide a blend of development opportunities that consists of education (traditional "training"), exposure to a supportive community that offers ongoing feedback and coaching, on-the-job experiences, and an inclusive RSM environment.
Learning and development opportunities are available to you year-round, in a variety of formats to meet your needs. We provide you with the leadership, advisory and specialized development you need to be successful through diverse learning opportunities (virtual classroom, on-demand, webcasts, etc.).
You have access to a supportive community of individuals who offer meaningful, ongoing feedback and coaching—intentional forms of stewardship that shape how you develop and learn, both formally and in the moment.
Whether through internal opportunities, personalized stretch assignments, job rotations, mobility opportunities or on-the-job learning, you can take advantage of relevant experiences that support you in achieving your goals and cultivating your interests, increasing your confidence and competence in being a first-choice advisor.
We strive to create an environment where opportunities and resources to support development are easily accessible, readily available and deeply connected to the firm values and the 5 C’s. We all play a part in creating a supportive and inclusive environment that encourages ongoing development.
At RSM, learning is available at every level. For common skills, RSM offers four levels of mastery that focus on the growth of the learner.
Foundational level– I have had limited exposure to this topic/skill in my career. I have a basic/conceptual understanding of this skill. My only experience has been in the classroom and/or as a trainee on the job.
Intermediate level – I have had some experience in this topic/skill. I can do what is expected at about the same level as most others. I have confidence demonstrating this skill and feel comfortable teaching this skill to others on the job.
Experienced level – This topic/skill is a notable strength for me. I can complete work independently with repeated success. I could lead a project on this topic with a high degree of confidence. I stay current on best practices associated with this topic/skill.
Advanced level – I am sought out for my expertise and/or am considered a subject matter expert. I am recognized as the "person to ask" when difficult questions arise regarding this topic. I could teach this topic/skill to a group and/or create thought leadership for the firm.
Justin has done it all at RSM—worked in our national tax office in Washington, D.C.; started a tax consulting practice out of our Philadelphia office; and recently moved to south Florida to be closer to family.
Paulette began her career at RSM as an office manager and is now a project manager for our national industry team. “I don't know where my future career path will go from here, but I do feel confident that I will be able to own my own future here at RSM for the remainder of my career,” she says.
Joshua started his career at RSM as an auditor, participating in a secondment to the U.K. He also did a rotation with our transaction advisory services practice—and enjoyed it so much, he asked for a full-time transfer.
Your first job is a big deal. In your first year at RSM, we set you up for success not just in your initial months, but for your whole career. You will be empowered, supported, cared for and included as you hone your leadership and advisory skills while also developing specialized skills specific to your role. And you'll be part of a community of campus hires, learning and growing with others who are in the same position as you. SY-CARE was created for you, to ensure you have the best experience possible.
At RSM, we work every day to promote a transparent, caring and authentic environment that fosters meaningful connections, and to create an equitable and inclusive firm where diverse talent excels.
We empower you to personalize your development opportunities and encourage you to take an active role in enriching your RSM experience. We strive to ensure everyone feels included, diverse perspectives are valued and everyone has a chance to grow a vibrant career at RSM.