The best fit: Finding my work-life balance

Kristy Wegmann, RSM boomerang

Culture RSM alumni

Fifteen years ago, I began my career with RSM supporting the consulting line of business as a Client Resource Center coordinator out of the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, office. After two and a half years in the role, I took on two new roles: the senior report processing specialist and my favorite role yet, "Mom."

As I learned to balance the role of a working mom with two under two, I was grateful to have RSM for their support in bridging the balance between home and work life. Once my oldest was ready for preschool, I was able to arrange a part-time schedule that allowed me to focus on my children more while working fewer hours. Six years later, life threw our family some curves, and we had to decide whether I should continue supporting our family as a working mom or transition into a full-time stay-at-home mom. I was nervous about leaving the workforce and was curious about what it might look like to get back in, but in 2016, we decided I should stay home with our children full time.

Kristy Wegmann

During my time as a stay-at-home mom, it was hands down one of the most challenging jobs and the most rewarding all at the same time. I am forever grateful for the decision to stay home, putting all my energy into our family, bonding and watching my children grow. After a few years home, I tossed around the idea of re-entering the workforce, but my gut told me I was not ready. Then 2020 happened, and that masked any thoughts of going back. We stepped into the new year with a very sick little girl in the hospital getting her appendix out, followed by a diagnosed weakened immune system, going into spring break quarantine with influenza A and B, bronchitis and walking pneumonia all under her belt. To say my hands were full is an understatement. I was thankful for my schedule as a stay-at-home mom, and from then on, I immediately marked any working parent or teacher as a superhero in my books.

During the summer of 2022, I could feel the shift start to happen again, and it was the first time I truly felt that my family was ready for me to transition back to work. As I began researching opportunities, I was worried about the potential of being judged for my time away from work, the stigma of not being taken seriously, or the lack of support to re-enter the workforce. I reflected on how supportive RSM had been when I decided to step away, but I was still curious whether they'd be interested in me joining the firm again. While applying to other organizations, I asked my old boss at RSM if I could use her as a reference; she immediately asked for my resume and put me in touch with a group she thought would be a great fit. I was blown away by the continued support from years ago. From there, my search was over; I found the best fit for my family and me at RSM. They fully embraced and welcomed me back.

With six years away from the firm, the growth of the business was exponential, but it felt like time had yet to pass. I'm proud to work for a company that continues to grow, gets better every year, and truly values its employees. I'm happy to be an RSM Boomerang, excited to be a part of the national consulting operations team, and thrilled to be back "home" with my RSM family.

Life at RSM

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