Scott T. Filmore serves ultrahigh net worth clients as a senior director in RSM US LLP’s Washington National Tax practice.
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Since joining RSM, I’ve been impacted most by our culture. I’m so grateful to work for a firm that sees the value each person brings to a team.
I am always amazed by the strength of character of our people, and how they demonstrate RSM’s values each day with our clients and each other.
Scott T. Filmore serves ultrahigh net worth clients as a senior director in RSM US LLP’s Washington National Tax practice.
Scott has over 20 years of experience providing estate planning, tax, and estate and trust administration services. He has provided guidance to ultra-high net worth clients regarding a variety of issues, including sophisticated strategies to minimize estate, gift, generation-skipping transfer and fiduciary income taxes; business succession; and charitable giving. Scott uses his in-depth understanding of these areas to consistently develop innovative and customized solutions to meet each client’s unique goals regarding the transfer of wealth. Scott also regularly works within advisory teams consisting of professionals (both inside and outside RSM) with diverse expertise to ensure each client can implement a holistic wealth planning strategy that meets the client’s tax, legal, investment, business and family goals.
Before joining RSM, Scott spent over 17 years as a practicing attorney, focusing entirely on estate planning, tax and trust and estate administration. Scott was also a senior wealth strategist at an international brokerage firm, providing guidance to firm clients regarding these same matters.
RSM US LLP is a limited liability partnership and the U.S. member firm of RSM International, a global network of independent assurance, tax and consulting firms. The member firms of RSM International collaborate to provide services to global clients, but are separate and distinct legal entities that cannot obligate each other. Each member firm is responsible only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of any other party. Visit for more information regarding RSM US LLP and RSM International.
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