
The six features you need in a partnership tax platform

Allocation and tiering technology comparison: PartnerSight® vs. others

May 15, 2023
PartnerSight Private equity Real estate
Innovation Digital evolution Federal tax Tax technology
Partnership tax technology changed dramatically in 2020  with the introduction of PartnerSight®, the revolutionary allocation and tiering platform from RSM.

Speed, quality, and transparency top the list of software must-haves for finance and tax executives tasked with maximizing their investors’ returns. Whether you are representing a private equity fund, real estate fund, hedge fund, law firm, or other partnership, your tax technology options are evolving.

As you research technology platforms, take time to evaluate what is available in the marketplace. Download the scorecard below to help you make a comparison as you research PartnerSight and the alternatives.

Who makes allocation and tiering platforms?

There are currently four other allocation and tiering platforms available, but RSM is the only middle market provider to compete in this space.

Other platforms are limited by the architectures upon which they are built; they don’t have the ability to evolve alongside ever-changing financial markets and new reporting requirements. With the onset of new technological infrastructures, PartnerSight redefined standards for the partnership tax industry. PartnerSight’s cloud-based architecture efficiently processes the most complex tax structures while augmenting the ease of use and understanding of the tax workflow. With PartnerSight, your tax data finally is an asset.

How does PartnerSight differentiate itself?

Your priorities are our priority.

Increase the value and reduce the complexity of your partnership tax compliance function.
