White paper

Interest-charge domestic international sales corporations

Permanent tax savings and more for exporters of any size or shape

An interest-charge domestic international sales corporation (IC-DISC) can be a powerful tax-savings opportunity for many companies exporting products. An IC-DISC is a domestic corporation, which has elected IC-DISC status and annually meets specific requirements under U.S. tax law and generally operates by the terms of related-party agreements.  An IC-DISC is not generally required to perform substantial economic functions. Many years ago, the U.S. government created this export incentive as a means to promote U.S. business activities it deemed economically beneficial. In today’s competitive global landscape, any cost-saving measures are coveted. The beauty of the IC-DISC structure is that in order to capture the tax benefits, very little, if any, change is required in how your business is already being conducted. In general, the structure is invisible to your customers, but the benefits will save you money.

RSM contributors

  • Dave Luzi
  • Jonathan Hobbs
    Senior Director