Lease accounting Accounting compliance Financial management

Reducing the complexity of ASC 842 compliance

The ASC 842 lease accounting standard represents a significant shift in accounting processes and could have far-reaching effects on your business. Companies that have a considerable number of leases face a substantial implementation effort, encompassing technical accounting design and policy development, lease data management and abstraction, technology design and implementation, tax impacts and new ongoing processes, workflow and controls.

As with any change of this magnitude, planning and preparation are paramount for success. However, many organizations are underestimating the level of effort, complexity, resource requirements and timeline for adoption.

Download our guide to learn more about how to approach ASC 842 requirements and develop a successful compliance strategy. Specific topics include:

  • Why ASC 842 is not just another disclosure 
  • Lease accounting lessons learned from public companies
  • RSM's paths to compliance

Lease accounting compliance is not a one-size-fits-all process but there are some common steps that you can take to make sure you are heading down the right path. Getting the right support so you are not making the transition on your own is key.

Download the e-book
