Jeremy Zwart is RSM’s manufacturing industry audit leader. He is based in the firm’s Minneapolis office.
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Jeremy Zwart is RSM’s manufacturing industry audit leader. He is based in the firm’s Minneapolis office.
In the more than two and a half decades since Jeremy joined RSM out of college, he has served clients in the manufacturing, wholesale, distribution and services sectors. He is a relationship leader and audit partner for engagements serving private-equity-owned and family-owned businesses.
As the firm’s industrials industry leader, Jeremy is responsible for the growth and development of the industrials audit practice. He ensures RSM’s audits deliver value beyond compliance by integrating the firm’s middle market industry insights into the audit processes and introducing RSM’s tax and consulting professionals to help clients proactively address their unique challenges and opportunities.
Jeremy focuses on the intersection of RSM’s audit technologies and industry experience, leading teams to create audit tools and templates tailored to the firm’s industrials audits. Those efforts drive audit efficiency and consistency across RSM and its nearly 100 offices in the United States.
Jeremy attributes his tenure at RSM to mentors that invested in him, and he pays that forward with an active role in recruiting and career advisement. He takes an interest in colleagues’ professional development by helping them prioritize their ambitions and desires. As part of that effort, Jeremy extolls the value of an industry focus to help professionals advance in their careers and live out their passions.
For Jeremy, that passion is rooted in his lifelong awe of manufacturing processes—from building with Lego blocks to inventory observations as a staff auditor and factory tours with CEOs. He is energized by his client’s entrepreneurial spirit and continuous innovation—special traits distinguishing RSM’s middle market clients.
Jeremy enjoys spending time with family and friends, particularly boating, fishing, mountain biking and golfing.