Craig Ridenour
Area of Focus
State & local tax

Craig Ridenour

Partner, National Leader, State and Local Tax Services
Craig Ridenour
Area of Focus
State & local tax

About Craig

Craig Ridenour is a state tax professional with more than 30 years of experience in public accounting and private industry. Based in Raleigh, North Carolina, Craig is RSM’s national state and local tax leader. In this role, he oversees a SALT practice of over 400 professionals who provide clients with income and franchise tax, sales and use tax, credits and incentives, and controversy services. Craig also personally serves as the SALT relationship partner for several RSM clients. 


During his years in practice, Craig has gained extensive exposure to state income tax planning design and implementation, tax provision and compliance, tax refund identification and analysis, mergers and acquisitions, credits and incentives, tax controversy and audit management, tax policy and legislative issues, sales and use tax, and property tax matters. His experience in serving clients ranges from mid-market to Fortune 50 companies.

Craig represents a variety of clients throughout the country in various industries, including manufacturing, wholesale and distribution, professional services, financial services and retail. 

Professional affiliations and designations

  • North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants, member
  • Raleigh Chamber of Commerce, member
  • North Carolina Chamber of Commerce, member
  • Frequent speaker on a variety of topics for the Tax Executives Institute, Committee on State Taxation and various tax forums 


  • Bachelor of Science, business administration, Central Michigan University
  • Master of Science, business administration, Wayne State University