Joel has over 25 years of experience in real estate and his valuation assignments include private equity portfolios, multi-family residential (rural and urban/affordable housing and private sector) regional shopping centers, urban and suburban office buildings, medical office buildings, hospitals, industrial and warehouse facilities, hotels, senior living and continuing care facilities, mixed-use properties, churches, and silviculture/agricultural operations. His major clients include private equity real estate funds, government agencies, family offices and REITs. Joel is a senior commercial real estate valuation and finance professional with wide-ranging experience in providing valuations of complex property types, as well as strategic investment analysis for commercial real estate as an asset class
In 2016, Joel provided project management and oversight in compiling The Comprehensive Property Assessment of the USDA Rural Development Multi-family Housing Portfolio report delivered by RSM as part of a contract with USDA. Recently, Joel led the valuation team in valuing a $4.5 billion estate comprised of resort, office, residential, development land, and recreational real estate assets. This project included the delivery of 117 appraisal reports with a three-step quality control process.
Prior to rejoining RSM in October 2019, Joel was appointed by the Office of the President of the United States to serve as the acting undersecretary for a federal agency.