
Insights into digital trends and changes in the health care industry

Digital Transformation Survey results: Health and hospital systems

Jun 04, 2020
Health care Digital transformation

The right digital strategies can provide health care and hospital systems with a variety of benefits ranging from improved patient to enhanced billing processes. These solutions can streamline the patient experience, meticulously track hospital supply chains or automate the full revenue cycle, to name just a few critical processes, all while providing in-depth analysis and valuable forecasting capabilities for smarter measurement and improved business decision-making.

Health care and hospital system leaders face distinct challenges as they work toward harnessing the power of digital transformation. What concerns and risks are health care executives encountering? Who should be leading and guiding decisions related to technology efforts within the health care system? Are organizations seeing a return on their digital investments and how should they measure these outcomes?

To gauge the transformative impact of a variety of digital methods and strategies within the health care industry, RSM surveyed executives late last year as part of a broader study that looked at digital transformation across multiple industries. While findings were compiled before the coronavirus pandemic, much of the analysis and insights can be applied in this post-COVID-19 “new normal” world.

“Digital transformation in health care has been accelerated by the global pandemic,” Matt Wolf, RSM director and senior health care analyst, said. “As if treating the human tragedy wasn’t challenging enough, providers must now rapidly deploy telehealth and optimized workforce strategies for the duration of their local shelter-in-place orders and optimize these strategies for 2021 and beyond. Patients, employees, vendors and other stakeholders won’t return to a completely physical experience post-pandemic, and providers need to be ready.”

The goal of this report is to provide organizations ideas and opportunities for improvement, evaluate ongoing strategies and provide comparison analysis of peer health care providers.

Learn more on the impact of digital transformation across the organization.

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