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From remote work and labor shortages to customer experience and environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG), the business and professional services (BPS) industry is facing a rapidly evolving landscape. Data-driven decision making is critical for staying competitive, and BPS organizations must replace inefficient legacy systems with tools that increase agility and efficiency. RSM delivers award-winning Microsoft solutions that tackle these challenges, helping BPS companies achieve visibility, accountability and profitability.
Microsoft solutions like Dynamics 365 provide a single platform to manage your business, with instant insights into any part of your organization at your fingertips. It enables better productivity, collaboration and communication across your enterprise, as well as for your customers—all in one easy-to-use platform. Microsoft Dynamics 365 accelerates your business growth with a solution that is scalable and adaptable to ever-changing market conditions.
How RSM can help:
RSM has brought best-in-class Microsoft solutions to the business and professional services industry for decades. As a result, we are the first-choice advisor for middle market companies in evaluating, selecting, implementing and supporting Microsoft solutions for BPS. We can replace your aging legacy systems with next-generation tools that advance your business and achieve your goals.
Our BPS advisors can assist with the following areas: